1Valg af bidrag2Om dig3Addresse4CVR Choose a donationAmount* 10.000 kr. 25.000 kr. 50.000 kr. Dette felt er skjult, når du får vist formularenBemærkninger eller særlige ønskerFor bidrag på 5.000 kr. og derover, kan I vælge at få tilsendt et diplom, skriv venligst ”Diplom” i feltet til bemærkninger. We want to know more about youPrivate / Company* Company Private Email* Mobile*First name*Company*Contact PersonContact - First nameContact - Last name Street address*ZIP code*City* Deduction for the contributionIf you provide your CPR/CVR-number, SOS Children's Villages will automatically report your contribution to SKAT. You can receive a deduction for the total contribution that you have donated to SOS Children's Villages and other organizations. All information is sent via a secure connection. We store your information in accordance with applicable rules and do not pass it on to anyone other than SKAT. You can always contact us if you want insight into the information you have provided to SOS Children's Villages. Deductions can only be made related to income from sources that are taxable in Denmark. CPR-number (numbers only) – not requiredCVR-number (numbers only) – not required Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev og SOS Børnebyerne må gerne kontakte mig via e-mail. Din tilmelding sendes via en sikker forbindelse