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Youth Unite
for Global Change

Global course by youth for youth

STEP 1: Watch the films

Watch the two films where young people from Kenya show how mental health and climate change impact their daily lives. The young people talk about their challenges, but they also show how they come together to find new ways to adapt and create change.

STEP 2: Solution sprint

Form groups, choose a topic, and follow the guide for the solution sprint. Follow the steps below and let the questions inspire you in gathering information and generating ideas. Conclude with your own creative product that focuses on global challenges faced by youth. Below, you can find resources such as links for more information on the topics, ideas for creative products, and the PDF guide.

1. Information - Dive into the topics

Search for more information about your topic. Let the reflection questions below inspire you:

- What do you already know about the topic?

- How does the topic affect youth in Kenya?

- How does the topic impact your own lives?

- Why is the topic important in both Denmark and Kenya?

2. Target Audience - Who will you influence?

Choose the target audience you want to address. The audience's age, geography, lifestyle, and media usage are important factors in how the topic should be presented.

- Who do you want to communicate the topic to?

- What should the recipient gain from it?

You may benefit from presenting your ideas to another group or representatives of the target audience along the way to receive feedback.

It can be a good idea to formulate a question that takes into account the audience and demonstrates how you will work with the topic. For example:

- How can we help young people in the local community understand that they can make a difference for the climate?

- How can we assist the school's students in sharing personal experiences with mental health challenges?

3. Ideas - Brainstorm on product ideas

Now it's time to brainstorm ideas on how you can present the topic in the form of a product. Consider how your product can help your audience understand and engage with the topic.

Start with a brainstorm where all ideas are welcome. Afterwards, look at your ideas and select the one you want to move forward with:

- Which ideas are feasible within your constraints? (time, access to materials and equipment, skills, etc.)

- What should your product be? (demonstration, film, art exhibition, waste management system, kitchen garden, recipe book)

4. Create - Create your own product

Now it's time to create the product you've chosen. It may be a good idea to describe how you will create your product. You can describe it using a script, storyboard, model, etc.

- How will you create your product? (build, write, draw, publish, present)

5. Evaluation - Was your target audience engaged?

Share your product with your audience. Once they have seen, tried, participated in, experienced, tasted, etc., your product, it's time to evaluate. Your evaluation can help you see if you have achieved your goal of helping the audience understand and engage with the topic. Let the questions below inspire you:

- What worked well?

- What could have been improved?

- Did your product provide new knowledge to the audience?

- Did your product create engagement with the topic?


Meet Vincent, Dickson, Hellen, Kevin, Brian Sammy, and Samira, who co-created the films and course with students from Askov Efterskole.

Meet the Co-Creators

Share your ideas

Share a picture or video of your product and inspire other students here on the page. Send to

You will finish the course with a creative product. Only your imagination (and the school's rules) set the limits. For example, you could create your own hydroponic plant box, organize a demonstration, build a conversation bench, make a guide for repairing clothes, or design a board game.

Are you a teacher?

See how you can structure a course for your students with films, reflection, and a creative product.

Go to the teacher's guide